the avatar image of Benjamin Bouvier

About me

Hi! I’m Benjamin, welcome to my place 👋

This is also my blog, where I write about free-software, be it related to my work or side-projects, and sometimes about other random topics.

I am a software engineer specialized in Rust and WebAssembly. I also have a lot of experience with C++ (although I don’t use quite often these days), and some advanced experience with JavaScript and Python.

/hello: get in touch

Here are my preferred methods to get in touch or follow me, in order of my preference for each section:

Get in touch

Follow me

Side projects

Free-to-use cloud services own too much personal data about their users, threatening the right to privacy and to a broader extent, democracy. For this reason, I use as much as I can decentralized, free software, self-hosted web services. As my personal contribution to this ideal, I develop some open-source software too:

Work experience

This page

I stole inspiration from pages presented on slashpages to make this page, in particular the /hello page as popularized by Alastair Johnston.