the avatar image of Benjamin Bouvier

A primer on code generation in Cranelift


Cranelift is a code generator written in the Rust programming language that aims to be a fast code generator, which outputs machine code that runs at reasonable speeds.

Botzilla, a multi-purpose Matrix bot tuned for Mozilla


In this post I reflect on my personal history of writing chat bots, and then present a panel of features that the bot has, some user-facing ones, some others that embody what I esteem to be a sane, well-behaved Matrix bot.

Improving my Github workflow


Since I’ve been working on a Github project for a while now, I thought now would be a good time to gather ways to make it easier to work with Github pull requests (PRs). In particular, it’s easy to drown yourself in the incoming flow of Github emails.

Making calls to WebAssembly fast and implementing anyref


Since this is the end of the first half-year, I think it is a good time to reflect and show some work I’ve been doing over the last few months, apart from the regular batch of random issues, security bugs, reviews and the fixing of 24 bugs found by our fuzzers.

Making asm.js/WebAssembly compilation more parallel in Firefox


In December 2015, I’ve worked on reducing startup time of asm.js programs in Firefox by making compilation more parallel. As our JavaScript engine, Spidermonkey, uses the same compilation pipeline for both asm.js and WebAssembly, this also benefitted WebAssembly compilation. Now is a good time to talk about what it meant, how it got achieved and what are the next ideas to make it even faster.